Friday, February 25, 2011

Who the hell am I?


Settled  Regular

Squandering  Revolving  Chasing

I was nothing but a child who has all grown up.



Vulnerable  Emotional

Floating  Wandering  but Mending
'm looking for an answer to who I am?


1 comment:

  1. Once again dear PITCHER OF GUTS, you have reached deep--and then even deeper to claim your SELF. How magical to DREAM, DESTROY, and then BE REBORN. I am glad that you are "mending."

    How would you feel if you were to ask this question "WHO AM I" for the rest of your LIFE? Would that be soooooooo bad?

    The images you have posted along with your poems are vibrant, rich, and evocative. You have an EYE! Hallelujah!
